
I am a postdoctoral researcher in the RobotLearn Team (headead by Xavier Alameda-Pineda) at Inria Grenoble, France.
In the team, I am leading the "Learning Robot  Behavior" work package of the European H2020 SPRING project (Socially Pertinent Robots in Gerontological Healthcare) where we investigate Deep Reinforcement Learning methods and their application to robotics.

My research interests are Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cognitive Science. My main focus is learning mechanisms. I am fascinated by the impressive learning abilities of humans and animals. We are able to adapt efficiently to new and diverse environments and tasks. I want to develop learning algorithms, which allow artificial systems such as robots to have similar learning abilities. I believe one way of achieving this goal is to use the principles behind the learning mechanisms of our brains.

Here is a list of research fields in which I am active:

My research page lists some of my ongoing and completed research projects.

A chronological list of papers and other documents is on my publications page.


April 2024: Preprint of our paper about the H2020 SPRING project - Socially Pertinent Robots in Gerontological Healthcare 

SoRAIM Winter School for Social Robotics: We are organizing a winter school for social robotics for February 19th-23rd, 2024 in Grenoble, France.
Find more information here: https://spring-h2020.eu/soraim/

September 2023: Paper "Variational Meta Reinforcement Learning for Social Robotics" by Anand Ballou, Xavier Alameda-Pineda, and Chris Reinke in Applied Intelligence

May 2023: Paper "Successor Feature Representations" in Transactions on Machine Learning Research with Xavier Alameda-Pineda. I presented it at the ICLR 2023 workshop on Reincarnate Reinforcement Learning as a poster.

March 2023:  Organized RL@Alpes, a Reinforcement Learning symposium for researchers of the larger Grenoble area. More Info: https://team.inria.fr/robotlearn/rl-alpes-2023/