Here is a list of some of my software projects that can be accessed online:
Libraries and Tools
exputils: Python library containing various tools for the management of scientific experiments and their experimental data. It is specially designed to handle experimental repetitions, including running them in parallel, storing and loading data, and visualizing results in Jupyter Notebook.
pyROS4HRI: Python library for the ROS4HRI standard of ROS (Robot Operating System) that allows to combine information from human features (faces, voices, bodies) into a consistent person representation for HRI (Human-Robot-Interaction) systems.
MPISim: A 2D multi-party interaction simulator (pybox2d, pygame) for robotic social navigation and dialog interactions with humans. Includes a social force model for human movement simulation.
HRI Group Identifier: Identification of conversational groups based on the 2D position of people with the Graph-Cuts for F-formation (GCFF) algorithm by Setti et al (2015).
Research Projects
SFR Learning: Code to replicate the paper "Successor Feature Representations" about Transfer Learning for Reinforcement Learning.
Automated Discovery of Patterns in Lenia: Code to replicate the paper "Intrinsically Motivated Exploration for Automated Discovery of Patterns in Morphogenetic Systems" about an automated identification procedure for a high diversity of interesting behaviors of complex dynamical systems on the example of a cellular automaton.